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Bulletin Insert
Worship at Asbury First
Sunday mornings at Asbury First are rich with worship opportunities. From September thru June there are two traditional services and a more intimate communion service. Throughout the year there are seasonal and other special services.
Our Taizé service Wednesday evenings, 6:00 – 6:45pm, during the winter season, offers a mid-week Sabbath moment. Enjoy the peace of a candlelit sanctuary, the beauty of simple songs and the depth of quiet prayer. A simple service for all ages and one which can refocus our hearts and minds in the midst of a busy and noisy world.
In 2000 we began making the text of our sermons available on our website. In 2003 we began recording them for your listening pleasure. So now, you can read or listen to sermons. Maybe you missed a Sunday or a sermon was inspiring and you wish to re-visit. If you are a visitor, here is an opportunity meet the ministers through their words.
When you can’t be here, you may listen to our Live Radio Broadcast every Sunday at 11:00am on WYSL 1040 AM.
We cordially invite you to join us in worship.
Below are the service schedules for fall thru spring, Christmas, Easter, and Taize worship. Those for which we have not determined the schedule for the year ahead are of the previous year.
Fall/Winter/Spring Sunday Worship Schedule
September 11, 2005 – June 11, 2006
8:30am Traditional Worship Service
9:45am Sunday School Classes for all ages
10:00am Worship Service with Holy Communion in the Chancel
11:00am Traditional Worship Service
11:20am Children’s Enrichment – Wesley Hall and Fellowship Hall
Taizé Service
Wednesdays, 6:00 – 6:45 p.m.
October 5th 2005 – May 24th 2006
Some weeks Taizé is not offered.
Check the weekly Insert calendar (Wednesday) to confirm.
Lent & Easter Worship Services
(Easter 2006)
April 9
April 13
7:30 P.M.
April 14
6:00 A.M.
12:00 Noon
April 15
12:00 Noon
April 16
6:30 A.M.
8:30 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
Palm Sunday
Worship Services at 8:30 and 11:00 led by the Sanctuary and Children’s Choirs as we re-enact the triumphal entry into Jerusalem by Jesus.
Re-enactment of the Last Supper followed by a candlelight dramatic presentatioin in the Sanctuary depicting the betrayal and flight of Jesus’ disciples.
Informal Holy Communion
in the sanctuary – Men’s Group. All men wishing to receive Holy Communion are invited to come.
Envisioning the Passion
Tenth annual multi-media service of Lenten lessons and carols with images of religious art works (shown in slide form on large screens). For ages 8 and older; accompanied by organ, instrumental and choral music.
Illuminating Christ: A Lenten Journey Through Stained Glass, Music and the Written Word
Through self-guided pastoral devotions and poetic renderings and using spectacular stained glass windows, contemplate the meaning of Christ’s life and death at your own pace.
Traditional Easter services are celebrated with festive
vocal and instrumental music on a grand scale and
preaching of the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection!
Easter Sunrise Service at Colgate Rochester Crozer
Divinity School Chapel, 1100 S Goodman St.Rochester.
Traditional Easter service
Brief, informal, Holy Communion Service
Traditional Easter service
Summer Sunday Worship Schedule
June 18, 2006 – September 3, 2006
Informal Holy Communion with Lay Witness in the
Radio Broadcast
Traditional Worship Service
Followed by fellowship punch and cookies on the lawn
Radio Broadcast-WYSL 1040 AM
Children are a vital part of Worship.
Learn more about Children in Worship.