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who proclaim and live the gospel
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Home > Adults

For more information:
Church Office

Adult Sunday Classes
Fifty Plus
Growing Spirits
Living EDGE
New Beginnings
Bible Study
Weekly Topics
Fall Enrichment Series

Adult Groups

There are many opportunities for adults to enrich their Christian education, spiritual journey and fellowship. Asbury First offers diverse opportunities through the Adult Sunday Classes that meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45 and the many other groups that meet at other times. Beyond these there are the many Outreach and Missions programs and a variety of groups working to enhance the experience at Asbury First.

The Adult Education Work Area helps to insure and inform the individual and collective spiritual journeys of

Adult Groups
The Appetizer Group
College Student Ministry
Covenant Discipleship
Group of Young Adults (GOYA)
“Joy of Life” Mid-Life Singles
Jubilee Circle
Men’s Prayer Group
Women on Wednesday (WOW)
Young Adult Couples (YAC)

Asbury First United Methodist Church members through coordination of adult educational opportunities.

You are cordially invited to visit any group at any time or contact them for more information.

Check our Weekly Topics of Adult Sunday Groups programs.
We would love for you to visit and join us in a program us or topic that interests you.

The focus of one of the other adult groups may be of interest to you.

Adult Sunday Classes

Asbury First offers a somewhat unique program with our TEN ongoing adult classes. Eash class has its own programs and offers a variety of topics to choose from for the benefit of members and visitors.

Classes are comprised of a mixture of married couples and single individuals. All are open to visitors and new members; most classes are grouped by chronological age. Each class has its own curriculum and all have varied programs throughout the year.

Doublers – The Doublers Class has a large membership of singles and couples, mostly retired but always robust and learning. We meet Sunday mornings at 9:50 a.m. plus monthly for a social/recreational event on the third Saturday. Programs cover a wide range of interests from Bible study to theology, Christian service and social concerns. This congenial and caring group invites visitors and new members. To check us out, drop into the class, or, for more information, contact Shirley Petherbridge at 265-9845 or email, or Ted Doerner at 265-3809 or email.
Meets in #1010 East Ave. first floor, “Red Room”

Fellowship – The Fellowship Class can be found through the Open Door on your left at the top of the stair in Building 1010. We are a friendly and welcoming group of couples and singles, most of whom have children who have left the nest. Come with an Open Mind to our Sunday morning programs, which feature lively discussions on religious topics, social issues, and current events. A variety of social events bring us together for fun and fellowship once each month. Please contact Judy Dixon at 385-3760 or email for more information.
Meets in #1010 East Ave. upstairs, north

Fifty-Plus – The 50+ class is a warm and friendly group of couples and singles over the age of 70. Now in our 60th year, we offer a wide variety of topics on Sundays with coffee and socializing at 9:45 a.m. and the speaker at 10:00 a.m. We party frequently and enjoy fellowship and friends! For more information, contact Barb Steen at 586-8657. You’d be surprised how good life can look from the plus side of fifty.
Meets in #1010 East Ave. first floor, “Dining Room”

FRIENDS – Friends is a small group of adults with growing families. We are all active in other areas of the Asbury First family, mostly in youth education and fellowship. We study the Christian faith and a wide variety of related topics. We love to socialize. Although our numbers are few, we have a large commitment to the work of the Church. For more information, call Laura Chan, 742-2395 or email.
Meets in #1050 East Ave. first floor, “Main Office Area”

Growing Spirits – The Growing Spirits class was organized in 1966. Its members currently made up of adults 50+ years in age. A small group, we have active discussions on a variety of topics, including Bible study, church and social issues and book reviews. We also try to get together socially about five times a year,including our annual Chef’s Night. Stop in and visit any Sunday morning. For more information, contact Don Anderson at 442-5978 or email.
Meets in #1010 East Ave. upstairs, conference room

The Living EDGE – This class is a diverse mix of married and singles, 30- and 40-somethings, growing families and developing careers. We are growing as Christians through a diversity of topic discussions, outreach, fellowship and social events. For more information contact Ed Assenheimer, 334-5863 or email.
Meets in #1010 East Ave. upstairs, south

New Beginnings – We intend to address topics of interest to couples and single parents with children at home. Classes are informal and include group discussions of diverse parenting and family issues from a faith perspective. Each class starts with a brief time of refreshments and socializing, followed by 45 minutes on the class topic. Class materials have included book studies, brochures, panel discussion, and videos. We are a caring and warm group of people, committed to growing our relationships with God and each other and to raising our children with a heart for God. Please feel free to join us! For more information contact Nancy Raca , 241-3604 or email.
Meets in the lower level of Education Wing, Room 15

Partnership – The Partnership Class is a caring Christian community of older adults. Our class has a membership of about 60 persons, both singles and couples. Sunday topics include Christian theology, personal witness, social concerns, and political issues. We love to socialize, with events every month! We take care of each other. For more information, contact Ed and Kate Crosby, 334-1349 or email.
Meets in #1010 East Ave. first floor “Meditation” Room

Two Bible Study Classes led by Rev. David P. Lubba,
Sundays 9:50-10:50 a.m. – First Floor “Teak” Room #1050 East Ave.
Wednesdays 10:30-11:30 a.m. – First Floor “Meditation” Room #1010 East Ave.

Topics will include, Sunday mornings: Continuing study of the Book of Revelation
and Wednesday mornings: Book of Proverbs.
Please bring a Bible of your choice and an open mind and heart! No prior Bible study is needed.
Each class also provides for a time of intercessory prayer. For more information contact Rev. Lubba at 359-9927.

Adult Groups

The Appetizer Group. Hair changing color or thinning? Kids growing too quickly, or not quickly enough? Wish you had a Porsche instead of a Plymouth? Well then, we have something in common. Come join us the first Sunday evening of each month. We share appetizers and fellowship. More info: Carol or Doug Major at 381-7786 or email.

College Student Ministry. Coming soon to a computer or mailbox near you! Designed to keep college-age students, both in the Rochester area and beyond, in touch with AFUMC. Occasional care packages will be sent; an e-mail connection will be available for all. For more information, to volunteer to help, or donate, Dave or Bonnie Kay at 473-8848 or email. Watch for details in The Visitor, the church semi-monthly newsletter. If you are not receiving this publication, contact Peggy Holmes at 585-271-1050 x104 or email.

Covenant Discipleship Groups. These are small groups which meet weekly for an hour at a time convenient to group members.Members share in the writing and keeping of a faith covenant and find mutual support a tremendous asset to their Christian walk. More info: Susan Shafer 271-1050 or email.

Down at the End of the Hall. A growing number of individuals are finding out that the Resource Library down at the end of the hall on the first floor of the Education Wing offers not only some peace and quiet while waiting for children or in between services, but also some reading and discussion inspired by librarian Janice Cygan. For more information contact Janice Cygan, 671-5982 or email.

GOYA! (Group of Young Adults) just celebrated its two-year anniversary at AFUMC. This group is comprised currently of single adults in their 20’s and 30’s who are looking for an opportunity to share, grow and be challenged in their faith journeys, to be in fellowship together. GOYA also plans on providing opportunities for social activities that incorporate a lot of fun, volunteer work and help us expand our horizons. Visit our GOYA webpage.

“Joy of Life” Mid-Life Singles. If you are divorced, single, or widowed, and find yourself at mid-life looking to have fun and make new friends, then come join us at any or all or our Joy of Life Mid-Life Singles events. We try to hold two events per month, and you are invited to all of them! You are an honorary member just by dropping in. Members do not have to be from Asbury First … all are welcome!For more information, please contact Sherry Bennett at 292-9921 or email.

Jubilee Circle. If you are a woman in your 40’s to 50’s, wanting to live with faith and intention, and have a desire to deepen your relationship with God, join us on occasional Saturdays,for stimulating programs and shared experiences. For a list of events, please contact Elise Carteremail. .

Men’s Prayer Group. Believe it or not, there is an ardent group of Christian men who meet every Tuesday morning at 5:55 a.m. in #1010 East Ave. to sing hymns, pray, and examine issues (frequently a book of interest) pertinent to men. More info: David Rice at 723-4618 or email.

The Women on Wednesday Group (a.k.a. WOW) begins meeting this fall at noon, Sept. 12 at #1010 East Ave. Bag lunch optional. Come as you can, eager to learn, discuss, and share your thoughts around a book selected by the group We laugh, we groan, we share, we learn, it’s fun!. More info: Susan Shafer 271-1050 or email

Young Adult Couples (YAC). A large group of twenty-something couples, both with and without children, gather monthly for fellowship and informal programs on third Sundays. All are welcome! To indicate interest or for more info contact Ashley Eckman, 442-3130 or email.