Through worship,education and care
we develop committed disciples
who proclaim and live the gospel
and thereby work to transform our cultur
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Outreach & Missions
Our purpose for Ministries of Outreach is to reconcile the world to God as revealed by Jesus Christ under the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We believe…
that what God has created is good, and that God continues to create through us. We believe that we are part of one family of people throughout the world, and that all people are created with the innate capacity to be united in the spirit of Christ. We believe that God’s power is sufficient to bring about complete and loving reconciliation among all people.
We experience…
sharp discrepancies between what we believe and what is practiced in the world. We experience unmet human needs, unredressed injustices and unscrupulous abuse of power.
We are called…
by God to be the Church of Jesus Christ, and to work with others in our community and the world to bring about peace, justice and compassion for all people that the world may experience the Kingdom of God in its daily existence.
Through Missions
We carry the message of hope in the spirit of Christ to all parts of our world through preaching, teaching and compassionate response to human need. We wupport several missionaries and mission projects. In addition, we encourage and support missioin trips, promote funding of disaster and world hunger relief, share the accomplishments of our world missioin with our local church, and increase the awareness of our members that we belong to a world-wide church.
Through Local Outreach
In Matthew 25, Jesus said “Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these you have done it unto me.” Through a variety of endeavors we accept the challenge to inform, engage and lead the congregation in positive action to respond to the needs of the community. Hunger, homelesness, and lack of supportive networks are high in priority of the needs we address.
Mission work begins with the person next to you and extends to the person on the other side of the world. The people of Asbury First are continually involved in embracing and developing good works to assist our friends and neighbors, whether they be in our presence or someone we have not, nor may ever, meet in our lifetime.
Our mission work is expressed through numerous programs. Visit our Outreach pages to learn more.